Entries by blackkettle-admin

Is a county-town land swap realistic?

While some members of the Rappahannock County Board of Supervisors have suggested exploring the possibility of claiming land from the Town of Washington near Courthouse Row as a boundary line adjustment concession, officials say the legality of such a move remains murky.

Brainstorming the Town’s future

The Town of Washington Planning Commission met on Monday to hold a brainstorming session with residents to begin revising and updating Washington’s comprehensive plan to chart a course for the town over the next five years.

In letter, Rappahannock Supervisors seek boundary change details and ‘concessions’ from Town

The Rappahannock County Board of Supervisors on Friday sent a letter to the Town of Washington seeking additional details and probing what Washington might be willing to provide in exchange for the Supervisors’ support of the town’s request that both bodies enter into an agreement to expand its corporate limit to accommodate further development of Rush River Commons.